In this third installment of the rebooted Star Trek film series (which began with J.J. Abrams's Star Trek in 2009), Captain Kirk (Chris Pine) struggles with a personal crisis as he and the crew of the Enterprise are attacked by a dictator named Krall (Idris Elba). When an assault by Krall leads to the destruction of their starship, the team end up marooned on a remote planet inhabited by aliens both hostile and helpful. Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, John Cho, and Anton Yelchin co-star. Directed by Justin Lin (Fast & Furious 6), Star Trek Beyond is dedicated to both Leonard Nimoy (who passed away in 2015) and Yelchin (who died after filming concluded). ~ Violet LeVoit, Rovi
I saw the premiere of Star Trek Beyond opening night and I was amazed. Words cannot describe how amazing this movie was and though I did shed a few tears I recommend that everyone see it. Unlike the previous updated Star Trek film it featured a lot more of the original series aspects in many scenes. And I can't express my deep love and joy for the ode to the original lieutenant Sulu, George Takei and how he was one of the first to openly express his sexuality in the orthodox 60s Hollywood. Again, it was a great movie and could bring a tear to your eyes. Please go out and see it. Delete Comment
Theater | Street Address | Phone | Daily Show Times |
Picture Show at Merchants | 4400 Roswell Rd, Marietta, GA 30062 | (770) 977-2977 | 11:45, 2:20, 4:30, 7:10 |
Carmike 12 | 1905 Scenic Highway, Snellville, GA 30078 | (770) 979-1538 | 12:15, 5:10, 9:55 |
Regal Stadium 22 | 2480 East-West Connector Road, Austell, GA 30106 | (844) 462-7342 | 5:45 |